Geoffroy’s Weblog

January 30, 2008

ASP.NET AJAX with .NET 2.0 and VisualStudio 2005

Filed under: AJAX, VisualStudio 2005 — gseive @ 4:17 am

Working on a new project for a client, I had to install the ASP.NET AJAX framework on .NET 2.0 / VisualStudio 2005.

I simply followed the instructions from the Appendix A of “ASP.NET AJAX in Action”. The only real difference is that on the version for .NET 2.0 is now at the bottom of the page. It isn’t the hottest stuff anymore! Indeed, why bother with all those installs when you can get everything and more by installing VisualStudio 2008 (based on .NET 3.5)!

Probably the most exciting part is the AJAX Control Toolkit. The list of controls is simply amazing and all those controls should give you a huge jump start on any project.

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