Geoffroy’s Weblog

January 20, 2014

Paypal Europe

Filed under: Ideas — Tags: , , — gseive @ 4:25 am

Recently I helped a relative to create his PayPal account in Europe. The bank took care of their part, sending the form to PayPal (in Luxembourg). From that point on no communication until I finally checked after almost 3 weeks my relative’s PayPal account. It just happened to be the day when PayPal had initiated the transfer of their 2 verification payments.

I was shocked that PayPal doesn’t have a better information communication process. I think that all key events should be shared with the customer, both by email and on their account; especially for a company like PayPal where money is involved and where a lot of people are not actually that familiar with PayPal and what they do (and how they do it).

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